Twitter Word Count Analysis


We might be interested in analyzing the kind of words that are published within a certain subarea. How can we systemize and clean the text published in twitter posts to extract more useful information? In this notebook we will learn how to count and clean twitter data. We will follow this tutorial here:

import os
import tweepy as tw
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

import re

import itertools
import collections

import nltk
from nltk.corpus import stopwords


consumer_key= 'XX'
consumer_secret= 'XX'
access_token= 'XX'
access_token_secret= 'XX'
auth = tw.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret)
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret)
api = tw.API(auth, wait_on_rate_limit=True)

Let’s create a python list from 1,000 random tweets in twitter

search_term = "#edtech -filter:retweets"

tweets = tw.Cursor(,

all_tweets = [tweet.text for tweet in tweets]


['Energy & carbon footprinting are almost standard practice now, but #H20 footprinting is rather new. On @Water_Day t…',
 'Keyboard short cuts for @WhiteboardChat 👇🏾 #EdChat #EdTech',
 'Discover the benefits of being an #FETChampion: #FETC #edtech',
 'Experienced educators such as Charlotte Speilman with @utschools will lead highly interactive workshops designed by…',
 "We're excited to announce we now have a US team! 🇺🇸 We know how important it is to have regional experts who unders…"]

Let’s clean our text data

Twitter data is messy, but there are several methods we can apply to clean it. Next we will do the follow:

1. Remove URLS
2. Address case issues
3. Remove Stopwords
4. Remove Collection Words

We will then calculate and plot the word frequencies of clean tweets.

Remove URLs

We can remove urls through the re package. The re package allows us to access regular expressions, which can help us to identify patterns in a string. It searches for the specified characters and replaces them by blanks.

def remove_url(txt):
    """Replace URLs found in a text string with nothing 
    (i.e. it will remove the URL from the string).

    txt : string
        A text string that you want to parse and remove urls.

    The same txt string with url's removed.

    return " ".join(re.sub("([^0-9A-Za-z \t])|(\w+:\/\/\S+)", "", txt).split())

#Let's create a list of the clean tweets
all_tweets_no_urls = [remove_url(tweet) for tweet in all_tweets]
['Energy amp carbon footprinting are almost standard practice now but H20 footprinting is rather new On WaterDay t',
 'Keyboard short cuts for WhiteboardChat EdChat EdTech',
 'Discover the benefits of being an FETChampion FETC edtech',
 'Experienced educators such as Charlotte Speilman with utschools will lead highly interactive workshops designed by',
 'Were excited to announce we now have a US team We know how important it is to have regional experts who unders']

Address case issues

Python is case-sensitive. To create a list of unique words we therefore have to address lower- and upper-cases as Python will treat them as different words. We can use the string method .lower() to do this.

# Split the words from one tweet into unique elements

The above shows that there are lower- and upper-case words in our list. Let’s remove this.

# Split the words from one tweet into unique elements

Let’s repeat this not for one list but all tweets.

# Create a list of lists containing lowercase words for each tweet
words_in_tweet = [tweet.lower().split() for tweet in all_tweets_no_urls]

 ['keyboard', 'short', 'cuts', 'for', 'whiteboardchat', 'edchat', 'edtech']]

Calculate word frequencies

We can now have a first look at the word frequencies in our list of lists. We can use the pyhton library collections. Especially, the function most_common is helpful, as it returns the most commonly used words and count them.

First we have make one list out of the number of lists (which represent the different tweets) in our overall list. We can do this through the itertools function.

# List of all words across tweets
all_words_no_urls = list(itertools.chain(*words_in_tweet))

# Create counter
counts_no_urls = collections.Counter(all_words_no_urls)


[('the', 498),
 ('to', 498),
 ('edtech', 395),
 ('a', 298),
 ('for', 293),
 ('and', 293),
 ('of', 281),
 ('in', 245),
 ('with', 168),
 ('is', 165),
 ('education', 131),
 ('our', 130),
 ('you', 125),
 ('on', 121),
 ('are', 98)]

We can now transform our list into a pandas dataframe. This makes it easier to plot the data.

clean_tweets_no_urls = pd.DataFrame(counts_no_urls.most_common(15),
                             columns=['words', 'count'])

words count
0 the 498
1 to 498
2 edtech 395
3 a 298
4 for 293

Next, we will create a horizontal bar graph to visualize the most common words.

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))

# Plot horizontal bar graph

ax.set_title("Common Words Found in Tweets (Including All Words)")


Remove stopwords

As you can see in the graph, there are a lot of stopwords involved. These stopwords do not tell us much for our analysis and we rather remove them.

To remove them from our list of words we can use the python package nltk.'stopwords')
[nltk_data] Downloading package stopwords to
[nltk_data]     C:\Users\Rude\AppData\Roaming\nltk_data...
[nltk_data]   Package stopwords is already up-to-date!


Let’s have a look at what the package defines as stopwords.

stop_words = set(stopwords.words('english'))

# View a few words from the set
["haven't", 't', 'of', "you're", 'only', "it's", 'being', 'do', 'm', 'is']

Let’s eliminate all stopwords from our list of tweets.

# Remove stop words from each tweet list of words
tweets_nsw = [[word for word in tweet_words if not word in stop_words]
              for tweet_words in words_in_tweet]

Calculate word frequencies without stopwords

all_words_nsw = list(itertools.chain(*tweets_nsw))

counts_nsw = collections.Counter(all_words_nsw)

[('edtech', 395),
 ('education', 131),
 ('new', 92),
 ('students', 91),
 ('learning', 88),
 ('amp', 67),
 ('school', 64),
 ('edchat', 55),
 ('learn', 47),
 ('great', 44),
 ('year', 43),
 ('via', 42),
 ('time', 41),
 ('classroom', 38),
 ('online', 37)]
clean_tweets_nsw = pd.DataFrame(counts_nsw.most_common(15),
                             columns=['words', 'count'])

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))

# Plot horizontal bar graph

ax.set_title("Common Words Found in Tweets (Without Stop Words)")


Remove collection words

It is common to also remove the collection words in text analysis. Collection words are the words you used to query your data from twitter.

We do this, as the term #sexualharassment+workplace will be present in every tweet and skew the word frequency analysis.

Let’s remove the collection words through the method of list comprehension.

collection_words = ['edtech']
tweets_nsw_nc = [[w for w in word if not w in collection_words]
                 for word in tweets_nsw]
#Words in first tweet with collection words
#Words in first tweet without collection words


Calculate word frequencies of clean words

# Flatten list of words in clean tweets
all_words_nsw_nc = list(itertools.chain(*tweets_nsw_nc))

# Create counter of words in clean tweets
counts_nsw_nc = collections.Counter(all_words_nsw_nc)

[('education', 131),
 ('new', 92),
 ('students', 91),
 ('learning', 88),
 ('amp', 67),
 ('school', 64),
 ('edchat', 55),
 ('learn', 47),
 ('great', 44),
 ('year', 43),
 ('via', 42),
 ('time', 41),
 ('classroom', 38),
 ('online', 37),
 ('teachers', 36)]
clean_tweets_ncw = pd.DataFrame(counts_nsw_nc.most_common(15),
                             columns=['words', 'count'])
words count
0 education 131
1 new 92
2 students 91
3 learning 88
4 amp 67
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 8))

# Plot horizontal bar graph

ax.set_title("Common Words Found in Tweets (Without Stop or Collection Words)")
