How to use GeoPy
- Sometimes you might want to transform or unify a bunch of addresses. To do this, you can take advantage of GeoPy.
Reading in a PDF Table using Python
- Often we have to process data in annoying formats. One exampel are PDF Tables. But luckily Python can help! Here we will read in a table from a pdf file using Python.
LDA Topic Modeling - The example of CEDEFOP Skill Descriptions
- Often we would like to identify topics in a large set of data. This could be the case if we analyze a large set of newspaper articles, for example. Going through all newspapers of the last year would be an insane task, but luckily Machine Learning can help!
Counting words on twitter
- We might be interested in analyzing the kind of words that are published within a certain subarea. How can we systemize and clean the text published in twitter posts to extract more useful information? This blogposts shows you how!
Extracting geographic location information from twitter
- Some twitter users publish information about locations in twitter. They might indicate their place of residence or tweet from a specific location. They might also mention a location in their tweet either by simple words or by hashtags. How can we access this information from twitter and make use of it?
Using Tweepy to analyze Twitter Data with Python
- Twitter data contains large amounts of data. Users express feelings, opinions, make statements or political claims. Twitter data has large potentials for sentiment analysis or to analyze attitudes. The downside is that it is quite messy. Python can help us to access the twitter universe more easily. This post gives an overview of how to use tweepy.
Web Scraping with Python
- The internet has created large amounts of unstructured data. Most of it we can access through websites. How can we create structured data accessing information published on websites? Python is a great way to do that. Have a look at some examples, accessing the html source code underlying websites through Python.
Publish a jupyter notebook as a blogpost on your github pages
- We more and more work in Jupyter Notebook. How can we show our codebooks as a blogpost on github pages?
Relational Database Management Systems and Python - The case of SQL
- Often, especially in the case of big data, information is stored in relational database management systems. How can we access information saved in these systems through Python? How can we take advantage of this data structure to extract only the information we really need to be more data-efficient?
Forecasting with Python - and how Machine Learning can help
- Often we need to make predictions about the future. There is an entire art behind the development of future forecasts. Lately, Machine Learning has fed into the art of forecasting. This blog post gives an example of how to build a Forecasting Model in Python.
Python Basics for Economics - Uploading datasets
- Python is a programming language that can be used for a lot of different purposes. Its flexiblity, user-friendliness, as well as easy applicability make it one of the most-used programming languages. But how can we use Python for Data Science exactly? This is an introduction about how to upload datasets.
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